44. Wellness and Life Balance for Nonprofit Leaders - Cynthia Gregory
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Meet Cynthia. She's a nonprofit leader and certified Co-Active Coach who knows that no one works harder or deserves more validation than nonprofit fundraisers, executives and cultural change-makers. She's walking us through combating compassion fatigue and burnout while providing key takeaways, illuminating warning signs, and giving coping resources. Just a check-in to make sure you're committing to yourself as much as to your mission.
Today’s Guest
Cynthia Gregory, Author and Writing Coach, Leadership Wellness Advocate
“Nonprofit leaders juggle a dozen flaming balls. What ultimately gets sacrificed is self care and well being.”
Ways to recognize and combat burnout
Things the average person could do to create space for self care
How leaders can better take care of their fundraising team
The importance of wellness days and creating space for pausing
The correlation between burnout and nonprofit turnover
Community over competition: the importance of talking with your colleagues and sharing what you are struggling with
We’re in the business of caring, and the one last element of caring includes ourselves
Specific advice for young professionals to start early at combatting burnout
Cynthia’s One Good Thing: each morning, choose a word for the day, and live it.
Powerful Quotes:
“Nonprofit leaders juggle a dozen flaming balls. What ultimately gets sacrificed is self care and well being.” -Cynthia
“Nonprofit leaders are high achievers, and sometimes we step over the small wins. Pay attention to small wins and celebrate them. This will build resiliency.” -Cynthia
“Long term stress has many physical effects.” -Cynthia
“Create a structure where it is safe to talk about emotions and mental health in the work place.” -Cynthia
“I had a boss who gave me permission to take wellness days. Give your team permission to take care of themselves.” - Cynthia
“We are so entrenched in the work that we do. It is high stress, high demand, and constant. Everyone needs to find a way to create pauses and balance.” -Becky
“The turnover rate in the nonprofit sector is high enough. If people do not feel supported in their work environment, they are going to find a place that meets their needs.” -Cynthia
“The high turnover rate is super problematic. You can’t attract the. brightest and the best if you aren’t willing to help them sustain a livable lifestyle.” -Cynthia
“When you are running on empty, you literally have nothing to give.” -Cynthia
Warning Signs of Burnout
Foggy thinking
Inability to focus
Inability to meet deadlines
Tips to engage in more self care
Pause once an hour to take three deep breaths
Be mindful and present in the moment for 5 minutes an hour
Practice yoga
Pay attention to your self talk
Drink plenty of water