368. Best of Season 6 - Jonathan McCoy, CFRE, Becky Endicott, CFRE and Julie Confer

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Jon, Becky and Julie are in the house for the Season 6 Finale 🎉Tune in to hear the biggest takeaways we've gleaned six months of action-packed, impact-forward conversations. Tune in for the best-of-the-best convos and the themes that thread through the season. Plus, we’re giving you one more gift before we ring in 2023 - a playlist of the top 15 most downloaded episodes of season 6. Tune in and take notes✍️

You’re probably in the hustle of year end and if you just look up and celebrate the last 12 months, you probably will have a lot to be really proud of.
— Julie Confer, Head of Media, We Are For Good

Episode Transcript

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Episode Highlights

  • Season 6 highlights (2:10)

  • 2022 Highlights (4:40)

  • Tone setting: Find Hope + Look Over the Horizon (7:40)

  • Trends lifted throughout season 6 (10:00)

    • Purpose driven events + experiences + partnerships

    • Embrace technology + digital transformation

    • Trust-based leadership

    • Keep your compassion in check

    • Don’t just “move the needle,” change the culture

    • Collective giving

  • Themes to remember looking ahead to 2023 (25:20)

    • Everyone is a philanthropist.

    • Lean into vulnerability and balance within your teams.

    • Share your story…constantly and authentically.

    • Community is everything.

  • One Good Thing (27:15)

    • Becky: Self-care is a human right. 

      Jon: “Know what you are doing. Love what you are doing. And believe in what you are doing.” -Will Rogers

      Julie: Look up.

  • Calls to Action (41:00)

Powerful quotes

“We've recorded six years of weekly content if we were a weekly podcast.” -Jon

“I'm just smiling to myself remembering all these good humans that have come into our midst.” -Becky

“When you say democratize philanthropy it sounds like a very fancy way to describe it. It really means that you don’t have to be Rockefeller, a Carnegie or Bezos to give. Anyone can give and then make a difference. 75% of millennials describe themselves as a philanthropist.” -Alison Moore (Episode 318)

“There are ways of being that are a balm for deeper structural problems. And the balm for for those deeper structural problems is being a whole human being: in your family, in your neighborhood, in in your broader community.” -Richie Kendall (Episode 345)

“The bigger the gap between the inside self and the outside self, the more energy we're going to burn. Because we're essentially running two versions of ourselves. We're running two operating systems simultaneously.” -Dr. Taryn Marie Stejskal (Episode 334)

“The antidote to exhaustion is not necessarily rest. The answer to exhaustion is wholeheartedness. The things we do half-heartedly wears us out.” -Matthew Helmer (Episode 349)

“Making it easy for people, no matter where they're at, in relation to their understanding of your organization, to get involved and leave some information is is the best thing you can do.” -Rafi Norberg (Episode 301)

“Individuals can’t join in or work towards or connect with you in community or your work if they can’t see the vision.” -Ty Spells (Episode 344)

“If you don’t have a Google Doc of your favorite quotes, start this today. This changed my life.” -Jon

“You're probably in the hustle of year end and if you just look up and celebrate the last 12 months, you probably will have a lot to be really proud of. “ -Julie

“Please make 2023 a time that you create rest.” -Becky

🎧Top 15 Episodes of Season 6

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