351. The Case for Growing Radical Connection: The Generosity Crisis Book Launch! - Nathan Chappell and Brian Crimmins
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Meet Nathan and Brian. These philanthropy experts (with Michael Ashley) are the authors of the next must-read book for nonprofit leaders that’s hitting our industry with some serious truths we needs to be open to hearing. “The Generosity Crisis: The Case for Radical Connection to Solve Humanity's Greatest Challenges” includes some truly shocking philanthropy realities like how philanthropic giving will cease to exist in 49 years if nothing changes. Tune in for a behind the scenes look at why this book was written, some key takeaways and what nonprofits can do to turn things around📖
What is the Generosity Crisis + what we can do about it
Changing the definition of philanthropy
Case for nonprofits to establish radical connections
Today’s Guests
Nathan Chappell and Brian Crimmins, Co-authors, The Generosity Crisis
“The value of your database is in measuring the depth of connection.”
Episode Transcript
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Episode Highlights
Nathan’s story and journey to where he is today (3:15)
Brian’s story and journey to where he is today (6:30)
Current state of philanthropy (9:10)
Defining radical connection (13:00)
Connecting in times of crisis (28:30)
How to socialize these ideas with your teams and leaders (33:50)
Building strong connections with data (39:15)
Powerful stories of generosity in Nathan and Brian’s lives (47:00)
Nathan’s One Good Thing: Show up everyday and do one good thing. (52:30)
Brian’s One Good Thing: Be students of the industry. (53:15)
How to connect and buy the book (55:00)
Powerful quotes
“Technology can be a powerful conduit to helping foster connection. But too often and for too long, it's been used to just streamline and to replace the relationship to gain revenue.” -Nathan
“When for profit companies work with nonprofits in a very authentic partnership. 1 + 1 = 5. Corporates have a lot of good that they can bring, but they don’t know everything.” -Brian
“Nonprofits are in our society for a reason.” -Brian
“You need to boldly step out and talk about who you are. Talk about your values, tether your story, staff, and humanity back to those values.” -Becky
“We have to figure out how this conversation gets to board members…If this was happening to their business, they wouldn’t be sitting back.” -Brian
“We know more about the motivations of giving than we have ever known in history.” -Nathan
“If we’re quantifying the connection of donors, not using their wealth, just them being engaged, those people would stay with us for longer periods of time.” -Nathan
“As it turns out, people that are measured based on connection are retained at 70%.” -Nathan
“The value of your database is in measuring the depth of connection.” -Nathan
Connect with Nathan and Brian
Buy The Generosity Crisis Book / Nathan’s LinkedIn / Brain’s LinkedIn