203. Next Gen Nonprofit Leadership: Embracing Risk - Jonathan McCoy, CFRE and Becky Endicott, CFRE
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We've heard you. You liked our focus on young professionals and kindergarten habits, but it's time for us to dig deeper with nonprofit leaders. And here's the spoiler - everyone can be a leader in their role. You simply need the grit and tools to feel comfortable to rise. We got you! Our new Friday series: Next Gen Nonprofit Leadership launches today as we dive into Embracing Risk. Glad you're here. 🎧
“We all need to step into being the leaders our organizations, families, and communities need.”
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Episode Overview
Tone setting for embracing risk (1:30)
Get clear on vision + values
Get clear on what happened (during pandemic)
Get clear on how we are moving forward
7 places to start today (5:30)
Pro Tips + Case Studies (15:00)
Powerful quotes
“Since 2020 everything is changing so fast. Everyone is trying to figure out what they are doing. One of the most critical aspects in this time is leadership.” -Jon
“We all need to step into being the leaders our organizations, families, and communities need.” -Jon
“We have talked to so many incredible leaders, and we see some trends. These are opportunities you need to be seizing.” -Becky
“We love conversations around risk because it is so relevant right now.” -Jon
“Evolved professionals don’t let challenges get in the way of achieving their goals, they let it inspire them to think critically.” -Jon
“We have to take a step back and realize our missions are requiring us to take big, bold risks right now. We are taking on the world’s biggest problems, and we have to get comfortable with failure, and lean into our values and dreams.” -Becky
“Now is the time to be bold.” -Becky
“We have to create opportunities for risk capital.” -Becky
“Your people need to know what needs to get done, and they need to be allowed to do it.” -Becky
“You need people around your ideas, and you won’t get them if you don’t socialize your big plan. You will attract the people that gravitate towards your mission.” -Jon
“Where are you showing up? If you don’t feel like you have a community around your mission, this is a great time to start a table and take action.” -Jon
“There is so much at stake, and we need to lean in and be the leaders that our organizations need.” -Jon
“Don’t hear that we are leadership gurus, we are trying to learn and figure this out alongside you.” -Jon
Where to start
1. Now is the time to be bold.
Diversify your revenue
Create opportunities for risk capital
It’s time to try stuff
2. Honing Your Vision
Ask yourself, “Is our vision big enough for what our causes deserve?” (Dan Pallotta - ep. 115) Find a just cause that you are fighting for. It lives beyond you and drives you to show up and dig in.
3. Think like an entrepreneur.
“But for us, a vision is not just, you know, your North Star, it's what capabilities do we have? And who can we create value for? And what are the ways that we're thinking about to create the most value for those customers those opportunities?” -Evan Feinberg, Stand Together (167)
If you are looking at your mission/organization through the lens of what value you are creating - what value you can offer the world, other people, businesses, etc. You show up differently.
“Come from a place of power, know how much power we have in today's world as an organization that is literally creating impact. And we can say you can create this impact with us and be able to own the story with us.” - Muneer Punjwani, The Trevor Project (176)
Constantly look for ways to do things better. Become more innovative and entrepreneurial any chance you get.
4. Create airtight communication internally and externally.
Share when you don’t know something.
Check-in with your people to see how news is landing and how they’re feeling.
“It has to be authentic, it has to be aligned, you have to have experts play the long game, but you also need to have the early wins. And you also have to be flexible and pivot if necessary.” -Carol Cone, Ep. 148
5. Inspired and empowered people need to be working in partnership.
People should know what needs to get done and should be allowed to do it, even across silos.
“If we can’t get our internal relationships right, we are going to have problems with our external relationships.” -Mark Lanum, Ep. 101
6. Recruit allies & champions
“What community could you leverage? If you don’t have one readily available to you right now, could you make your own table?” -Becky, Ep. 77, The Power of Big Thinking
7. Commit to learning and growing
“We can always get better at everything that we do. Be dedicated to learning and improving, and taking chances that help us be better in our work.” -Diana Hartley, Ep. 11, How to Quiet the Fear & Embrace Risk
Pro Tips
Do learn new skills; don’t keep doing things they’ve always been done
Case Study: Honor Wilson-Fletcher, CEO, British Exploring Society, a youth development charity founded on the belief that challenging experiences can transform lives and empower young people.
Connect with Jon
Connect with Becky
Sources: https://www.newsweek.com/business-lessons-leaders-can-learn-pandemic-1634654
Get to Know Our Amazing Sponsor, Neon One
Neon One provides software solutions to growing nonprofits, but they do so much more than that. They’re also incredibly passionate about creating community in the social good sector.
We believe in the power of community. We’ve seen the greatest philanthropic movements happen when people work together to achieve common goals. Neon One can help you do just that.
They created Year End Giving Connections, a community that brings fundraisers together and empowers them to learn from each other’s experiences. Neon One experts will also provide helpful advice on meeting your fundraising goals this season. With weekly checklists and an active Slack community, there’s no better way to prepare for your year-end success.
Want to be a more connected fundraiser? Join their community today at http://neonone.com/weareforgood
Get to Know Our Amazing Sponsor:
Cosmic, a Social Impact Creative Agency
You hear us talk often that the greatest scarcity in today’s digital age is people’s attention. So, how is your organization creating and sharing content that stops people in their scroll and drives engagement with your mission?
Enter Cosmic. The design agency we trust to nail your impact story, build brand awareness, and inspire action. Cosmic is the team to help you do just that. They're so much more than just a Creative Agency. Cosmic’s deep expertise in the social impact space, helps nonprofits and social enterprises grow their digital fundraising, launch and mobilize advocacy platforms and mobilize your supporters to join you. Learn more today at designbycosmic.com.