254. Podcasting for Good: How to Nail a Podcast (or Any!) Interview - Jonathan McCoy, CFRE, Becky Endicott, CFRE, and Julie Confer
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It's the final week of our Friday series Podcasting for Good, and we have loved every dorky second of teaching you what we've learned. This week we're talking about How You Can Nail a Podcast (or Any!) Interview. Your personal hype team is here to prep you for the interview and tips for showing up solidly. We’re sharing our playbook, frameworks, marketing plans and tools too. Join us!
🎧 What we'll cover:
1️⃣ How to prep for the interview (homework & research matter!)
2️⃣ Flexing storytelling & key messaging
3️⃣ Addressing anxiety, scarcity mindset & imposter syndrome👀
4️⃣ Tips to nail your podcast interview (& leverage all that awesome content!)
5️⃣ Lots o' PRO Tips (from Julie!🦄)
“Speak to the head and the heart in an interview. If you can bring some tactical, practical steps and get someone inspired to take action, and they know what their next move is after they leave your podcast, and then you also round it out with some amazing stories, I think you’ll be an incredible guest.”
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Episode Overview
Prepping for your interview (2:00)
Getting the right mindset before an interview (6:50)
Messaging and developing the narrative for the interview (11:00)
Nailing the interview (13:00)
People remember details that are really nuanced (18:00)
Addressing imposter syndrome (22:00)
Our personal fears around podcasting and interviews (23:00)
Stewardship + advice for what to do after the interview (29:00)
One Good Thing: Speak to the head and the heart in an interview. (33:00)
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Powerful quotes
“We all have stories to share, especially those that are on the front lines of our missions. We want to encourage you to share those stories.” -Jon
“Details are going to be absolutely key here because podcasting is largely an audio platform. So we need to bring the visualization of the stories to the audience.” -Becky
“Just find a quiet place with some good lighting and communicate beforehand what you need with the producer.” -Julie
“There's a lot of times that we don't feel for whatever reason that we deserve to be in this space. And so we want to help you dispel that you've been invited to come into this place, you are an expert, you are that like embrace that embody that, and channel that.” -Jon
“We've seen people combine their stories with what they're teaching in a really powerful way. So take some time to reflect and really spend time thinking before you show up to the actual interview.” -Julie
“Connect your story to the mission.” -Becky
“I try to focus on about three key topics that we're going to dance around in the interview.” -Julie
“People remember details that are very nuanced.” -Becky
“Do you have a story about how a modest gift, maybe impact your organization, because if you can draw that out, that allows a listener to visualize that they could be that donor and I say modest gift.” -Becky
“When you get to the interview, if you are nervous, tell the hosts that you are nervous. I honestly love it because it immediately disarms the person. It honestly disarms us, because nine times out of 10, we're really intimidated to be talking to the person that we are interviewing.” -Julie
“I think a lot of people have fear around the permanence of podcasts. So just be human, admit that you're nervous and know that things typically can be edited out or re-said or rephrased throughout the interview. Know that we're all nervous, too.” -Julie
“Remind yourself, you know what you're talking about, you're an expert, there's a reason you landed this interview, you have got this, and it's going to be an amplification of your mission, you're going to bring your story, your mission story to someone who would have never known about it, this is a gift.” -Becky
“I think for a long time in life, you think that you've got to show up and be a certain way. Or you have to project a certain level of intelligence, or I've got this figured out. And I can gladly say that from the beginning. Like I knew that's not sustainable. That's not a good way to live in general.” -Jon
“This is a medium that we don't have all the answers and I think embracing that is so healthy and good.” -Jon
“My biggest fear was that I would misspeak. And not factually, as much as I did never want my words to ever harm.” -Becky
“I do think that there is power in finding your voice and being very firm on the things that you care about and the values. I find that the more I talk, the more confident I am, the more I feel like I can step into it. And I love being brave. I don't know that I thought about that that much as an adult. But it is it is really an empowering growth thing to try to be brave.” -Becky
“I was just, and still am, fearful and knowledgeable of just how powerful our words are and how powerful having a platform is no matter how big or small. I don't ever want to get to a place where I don't have that kind of pit in my stomach. Because that means that we're taking it really seriously.” -Julie
“Visualize owning this moment. You've got this and I think if you begin with that end in mind, you're gonna be able to show up and exude that confidence.” -Jon
“You're the expert. So just picture yourself just nailing this interview and it's gonna go really well if you can just embrace this being human and just having fun in the process.” -Jon
“Speak to the head and the heart in an interview. If you can bring some tactical, practical steps and get someone inspired to take action, and they know what their next move is after they leave your podcast, and then you also round it out with some amazing stories, I think you'll be an incredible guest.” -Julie
“Figure out how you can speak to the head and the heart, and you'll just have a really well rounded interview.” -Julie
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